Thursday, March 5, 2015

A Star is Born

Well as usual I am late to report... Mia Grace was born on June 10th, so almost nine months ago. Whoops. I had every intention of updating but it unfortunately never happened and lets just say this three kids business is no joke.
So since she has entered our lives it has been nothing short of wonderful, I still find myself saying to Adam "we have a daughter!!" She is so sweet and adored by many, specifically the three boys of the house. They adore her more than words can say. Her spunky little personality fits in so perfectly around here.
Life at the moment is in fact a whole lot of of crazy but it's my crazy and it's more than I could have ever wanted. I know without a doubt I am going to miss this and these long, busy days.
So many things go down in a day around this zoo and I always say I am going to be better about documenting it, and this time I am really going to give it the old college try. Wish me luck. xo

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