On Thursday, January 22nd I became an Auntie again...and again, again, and again. I am so incredibly in love with these perfect beautiful little babies, George my sweet nephew who is having a bit of a rocky start has already found a way to turn my heart to mush each time I see his beautiful face, Lainey well she just knows what buttons to push to melt me to the floor each time I see her, & Emery she is so beautiful...she almost looks like a doll she is so perfect. I remember the day my nephew Jacob was born I was so excited I was doing cartwheels...I was much younger then, but this time I felt just as excited times 3 and when I got home from the hospital I even did a few cartwheels... Being an Aunt is much like being a Mother only you don't have to discipline these children & you get to spoil them rotten and not wonder if you are enabling them.... It is so incredible and I feel so blessed to be able to be a part of these children's lives. "Welcome to this world George, Lainey, & Emery...I love you so much already and we have only just begun!!!"