9 Months 3 days (below)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
It's Getting CLOSE!!

I can't even believe how quickly this pregnancy has gone by...with Blake keeping me so busy and all the wonderful additions to the family over the past year it's no wonder! My sister Teresa gave birth to a beautiful baby boy about 3 months ago now...Henry Gar Sillers, he is PERFECT!
The triplets are coming up on a year also! I can't believe it, and of coarse my little man is turning three in January as well. I am soaking up every minute with all of these amazing little people and looking forward to meeting our newest little guy in only a month!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Another BOY!!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Hooray for Potty Boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On August 2nd we decided to say goodbye to diapers and it has been a SUCCESS!! We stayed home all week and had lots and lots of beverages.... Blake made his first poo poo on potty on day two and on day three had ZERO accidents. We ventured out on day four and he had his first encounter with "the public restroom," he did great and had no accidents while we were out. We really couldn't be more proud of our little boy. He actually loves to use the potty and some days we spend a pretty substantial amount of time in the bathroom for a tiny little dribble of pee pee but that's okay....the look of accomplishment on his sweet little face is worth every minute spent in the potty! When he goes he asks "ok....are you ready mommy?" then he goes and this bright little smile comes over his face and then he says "now say hooray....say it LOUDER," and we do and he is just thrilled.
I have to admit I was very worried about the challenges that potty training would bring and it does entail quite a bit of patience but overall I am very happy with the end result...our little boy is growing up so fast. I was a little sad at the thought that my sweet little Blake is no longer in diapers, where did the last two and a half years go???? It just seems like only last week I was feeding him bubbas, now he is using the potty and communicating with us like a little young man....
The Three Musketeers No Longer....and we couldn't be HAPPIER!!
It is true, we are expecting another sweet little angel this January...January 8th is our scheduled C-section date, unless this little one decides to come a little early as our little Blake did and thank God for that...if he would have waited another 2 weeks I am sure he would have been the end of me...Blake was quite a large baby, almost 10 lbs! I guess only time will tell how big this one will get.
Adam, Blake, and I are all thrilled to greet our newest family member. Blake is convinced he has a baby in his belly as well and is sure to tell me every single day that my belly looks bigger. I am positive he is going to be an outstanding big brother, he loves babies so much and kisses my belly each day...he says he has to say hi to "his baby."
We had an ultrasound a few weeks ago and we "think" we know what the sex of the baby is...but the little one had their legs crossed so it was a quite difficult to be 100% certain. We will know for sure on August 31st. We don't care one bit if its a girl or a boy.....we just pray for a healthy little baby!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
It's been awhile...
So where do I even begin?? It has been so long, I am ashamed. We have been busy. I guess the last time I posted was in February...so lets see...hmmmmm
February was a pretty uneventful, we spent a lot of time playing in the rain because that is one of Blake's most favorite things to do. We also took Blake to his very first Pistons game, he loved it and his eyes were glued to the basketball players. He did not like the fire and the loud bangs at the beginning of the game, it scared the heck out of him and he told us it was "too spooky, to watch" so he hid in the suite for a good fifteen minutes.
March was a WONDERFUL month, Adam and I escaped to Hawaii for an entire week, it was amazing! We had such a wonderful time. We stayed in Kona the entire time, while we were there we went snorkeling, whale watching, swam with rays, and did a lot of relaxing. While we did have an amazing time we were SOOOO ready to come back to see our little boy!!
In April we took Blake to see the Easter Bunny and he was quite fond of him this year. In fact we went on a weekday so he was one of two children visiting the bunny, so the bunny had lots of time to spend with Blake and Blake did not want to say goodbye. It was pretty cute!
We took a trip to San Diego to see my sister and her family in May, we traveled there with my other sister Teresa (who is expecting her first baby in August, YEA!!) and Blake was an angel on the plane. While we were there we went to the San Diego Zoo, Blake loved it! He loves the movie Madagascar so he was calling on the animals their names from the movie....for example he'd say "Mom, lets go see Alex the lion," or "look there's my friend Mellman." It was so cute to watch, he says the funniest things these days. We really enjoy his comments, the way a child thinks is so funny, innocent, and sweet. We also went to Sea World, this was a great trip too! Blake was a little upset about the fact that during the dolphin show he got splashed....he didn't like the taste of salt water and it really caught him off guard. Other than that he loved all the fish and marine life! We had a wonderful trip and we were sad to say goodbye. The plane ride home went smooth as well, I was very lucky this time! It was funny because Blake was a little nervous taking off and landing this time, he wanted to hold my hand, it was really sweet. I think he was making the lady behind us a little nervous because he kept asking me "Mom, are we gonna crash? and I think we are going down." It's hard to explain to a 2 year old you can't ask those kinds of questions while in the AIR, haha.
So I guess that about sums it up. I can't possibly forget the fact that our beautiful triplet nieces and nephew and doing GREAT!!! They are getting soooo big already. Blake loves to go over and see them, he'll ask, "Mom, can we go see my cousins Wainey, George, and Emmy?" its so cute to see them all together, Blake even gets to hold them every now and then, although if George keeps growing as fast as he has been he might be holding Blake soon, haha...he's a biggie boy:)!
Summer will keep us busy, between weddings, showers, babies, and a little travel here and there. I will try to be a little better about keeping up with my posts. Life just seems to get away from us and before we know it 4 months have passed!!!
February was a pretty uneventful, we spent a lot of time playing in the rain because that is one of Blake's most favorite things to do. We also took Blake to his very first Pistons game, he loved it and his eyes were glued to the basketball players. He did not like the fire and the loud bangs at the beginning of the game, it scared the heck out of him and he told us it was "too spooky, to watch" so he hid in the suite for a good fifteen minutes.
March was a WONDERFUL month, Adam and I escaped to Hawaii for an entire week, it was amazing! We had such a wonderful time. We stayed in Kona the entire time, while we were there we went snorkeling, whale watching, swam with rays, and did a lot of relaxing. While we did have an amazing time we were SOOOO ready to come back to see our little boy!!
In April we took Blake to see the Easter Bunny and he was quite fond of him this year. In fact we went on a weekday so he was one of two children visiting the bunny, so the bunny had lots of time to spend with Blake and Blake did not want to say goodbye. It was pretty cute!
We took a trip to San Diego to see my sister and her family in May, we traveled there with my other sister Teresa (who is expecting her first baby in August, YEA!!) and Blake was an angel on the plane. While we were there we went to the San Diego Zoo, Blake loved it! He loves the movie Madagascar so he was calling on the animals their names from the movie....for example he'd say "Mom, lets go see Alex the lion," or "look there's my friend Mellman." It was so cute to watch, he says the funniest things these days. We really enjoy his comments, the way a child thinks is so funny, innocent, and sweet. We also went to Sea World, this was a great trip too! Blake was a little upset about the fact that during the dolphin show he got splashed....he didn't like the taste of salt water and it really caught him off guard. Other than that he loved all the fish and marine life! We had a wonderful trip and we were sad to say goodbye. The plane ride home went smooth as well, I was very lucky this time! It was funny because Blake was a little nervous taking off and landing this time, he wanted to hold my hand, it was really sweet. I think he was making the lady behind us a little nervous because he kept asking me "Mom, are we gonna crash? and I think we are going down." It's hard to explain to a 2 year old you can't ask those kinds of questions while in the AIR, haha.
So I guess that about sums it up. I can't possibly forget the fact that our beautiful triplet nieces and nephew and doing GREAT!!! They are getting soooo big already. Blake loves to go over and see them, he'll ask, "Mom, can we go see my cousins Wainey, George, and Emmy?" its so cute to see them all together, Blake even gets to hold them every now and then, although if George keeps growing as fast as he has been he might be holding Blake soon, haha...he's a biggie boy:)!
Summer will keep us busy, between weddings, showers, babies, and a little travel here and there. I will try to be a little better about keeping up with my posts. Life just seems to get away from us and before we know it 4 months have passed!!!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Why my heart has grown...........

On Thursday, January 22nd I became an Auntie again...and again, again, and again. I am so incredibly in love with these perfect beautiful little babies, George my sweet nephew who is having a bit of a rocky start has already found a way to turn my heart to mush each time I see his beautiful face, Lainey well she just knows what buttons to push to melt me to the floor each time I see her, & Emery she is so beautiful...she almost looks like a doll she is so perfect. I remember the day my nephew Jacob was born I was so excited I was doing cartwheels...I was much younger then, but this time I felt just as excited times 3 and when I got home from the hospital I even did a few cartwheels... Being an Aunt is much like being a Mother only you don't have to discipline these children & you get to spoil them rotten and not wonder if you are enabling them.... It is so incredible and I feel so blessed to be able to be a part of these children's lives. "Welcome to this world George, Lainey, & Emery...I love you so much already and we have only just begun!!!"
Monday, January 26, 2009
Not So Terrible Twos........

So our baby boy is 2, it's really hard to wrap my head around the fact that he technically is no longer a "baby,"but he will always be my baby, I don't care, even when he is going gray...my baby he will be.
Blake has entered the dreaded "Terrible Twos" with such grace, he really hasn't been terrible at all, in fact now that he is able to tell us exactly what he wants life is a little easier. Blake is a very assertive child & for as long as I can remember has been. Trust me there are days when I think he is a little too much of a "know it all" but for the most part we are incredible grateful for the fact that this boy knows what he wants and he WILL get it. Meltdowns are certainly something that we have not completely surpassed...in fact last night we had one because Blake didn't want to leave Umma's house...no surprise he never wants to leave his Ummas & Papas, can't say I blame him...they are pretty cool people, they did after all raise some pretty amazing children of their own...ha ha
In honor of Blake's 2nd birthday we threw him a party at our house...it was Jungle Theme because Blake loves giraffes, elephants, monkeys, & all those other fun animals. The party went well. Blake had a little dance party of his own...he loves the song from the movie Madagascar, "Move It" so we jammed out to that for a while, had cake, blew out candles...(Blake loved this part), and opened gifts. Overall the party was a great success!!
So as we venture into the "Terrible Twos" we are confident that this is going to be an amazing year, as always Blake keeps us laughing everyday...he is really got his imagination going these days so the things that he says & does are so hilarious sometimes. For example he would like to have cake for breakfast, he wants to fly a plane today, he is convinced that his fish likes animal crackers (his bowl is pretty cloudy), thinks he has these incredible muscles..he is pretty strong, we had a electrician come over the other day to fix our lighting & he thought he was "Handy Manny" & would like to ride our dog like a horse...just to name a few!
We are headed to Disney World in a week so stay tuned for how that goes...maybe the pilot will let Blake fly the plane after all...stranger things have happened...
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
HO HO HO Merry Christmas...

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